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Course Detail



Java is one of the most popular programming languages out there. Released in 1995 and still widely used today, Java has many applications, including software development, mobile applications, and large systems development. Knowing Java opens a lot of possibilities for you as a developer.


This tutorial has been prepared for the beginners to help them understand the basic to advanced concepts related to Java Programming language.


Before you start practicing various types of examples given in this reference, we assume that you are already aware about computer programs and computer programming languages.

Execute Java Online

For most of the examples given in this tutorial, you will find a ‘Try it’ option, which you can use to execute your Java programs at the spot and enjoy your learning.


  • Table of Contents
    • Java – Overview
    • History of Java
    • Tools You Will Need
    • Try It Option
    • What is Next?
  • Java - Environment Setup
    • Try it Option Online
    • Local Environment Setup
    • Popular Java Editors
    • What is Next?
  • Java – Basic Syntax
    • First Java Program
    • Basic Syntax
    • Java Identifiers
    • Java Modifiers
    • Java Variables
    • Java Arrays
    • Java Enums
  • Java – Objects & Classes
    • Objects in Java
    • Classes in Java
    • Constructors
    • How to Use Singleton Class?
    • Creating an Object
    • Accessing Instance Variables and Methods
    • Source File Declaration Rules
  • Java – Basic Datatypes
    • Primitive Datatypes
    • 24 Reference Datatypes
    • Java Literals
    • What is Next?
  • Java – Variable Types
    • Local Variables
    • Instance Variables
    • Class/static Variables
  • Java – Modifier Types
    • Java – Basic Operators
    • Java – Loop Control
    • Java – Decision Making
    • Java – Numbers Class
    • Java – Character Class
    • Java – Strings Class
    • Java – Arrays
    • Java – Date & Time
    • Java – Regular Expressions
    • Java – Methods
    • Java – Files and I/O
    • Java – Exceptions
    • Java – Inner Classes
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