+1 (540) 707-5859 | contactus@destinytechinfo.com
Course Detail


1. Introduction to Linux:
  • What is Linux?
  • History and evolution of Linux.
  • Different distributions (distros) of Linux.
2. Linux Installation:
  • Choosing the right distribution.
  • Installation methods (e.g., graphical installer, command-line installer).
  • Dual-boot setups and virtualization.
3. Linux Command Line Basics:
  • Navigating the file system.
  • Working with files and directories.
  • Basic shell commands (ls, cd, mkdir, etc.).
  • Command syntax and options.
4. Text Editors:
  • Using text editors like nano, vi, or vim.
  • Basic text editing and navigation.
5. User and Group Management:
  • Creating and managing user accounts.
  • Setting user permissions and ownership.
  • Understanding user groups.
6. File Permissions:
  • Understanding the permission system (rwx).
  • Modifying permissions using chmod.
  • Special permissions and symbolic notation.
7. Processes and System Monitoring:
  • Managing processes.
  • Monitoring system performance.
  • Using tools like top, ps, and htop.
8. Package Management:
  • Managing software packages with package managers (e.g., apt, yum, pacman).
  • Installing, updating, and removing software.
9. File System Hierarchy:
  • Understanding the organization of the Linux file system.
  • Key directories and their purposes.
10. Shell Scripting:
  • Basics of shell scripting.
  • Writing and executing shell scripts.
  • Conditional statements and loops.
11. Networking:
  • Configuring network interfaces.
  • Basic network troubleshooting.
  • Using tools like ping, ifconfig, ip, netstat.
12. System Administration:
  • Managing services and daemons.
  • Configuring system settings.
  • Cron jobs and scheduling tasks.
13. Security and Permissions:
  • Firewall configuration (e.g., iptables, firewalld).
  • Securing SSH access.
  • Basic security practices.
14. File Compression and Archives:
  • Creating and extracting archives (tar, zip).
  • Compression tools (gzip, bzip2).
15. System Backup and Recovery:
  • Backup strategies.
  • Restoring data and system configurations.
16. Advanced Topics (depending on the course level):
  • Kernel and module management.
  • Disk partitioning and management.
  • Network services (DNS, DHCP, Apache, etc.).
  • Containerization and virtualization (Docker, VirtualBox).
17. Troubleshooting:
  • Diagnosing and resolving common issues.
  • Reading logs and error messages.
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