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Course Detail


Course Overview

Overview: Testing is a critical phase of Software Development Life Cycle. Manual testing is the process in which the defects are identified, isolated, subjected for justification and ensure that the product is defect-free, in-order to produce quality product. However it requires the necessary knowledge such as about different types of manual testing, software development life cycle. In this course you will learn everything that is required from a good manual tester

Manual Testing Objectives:
  • What is Software testing?
  • Understanding the Software development process.
  • Understanding various Software development life cycle models.
  • The Role of Software testing phase in Software development
  • Understanding various Software test types
  • Understanding various Software test levels
  • Learn Software test design techniques.
  • Knowledge in Software test life cycle
  • Understanding how to create & execute a test plan
  • how to document test cases
  • Understanding how to execute test cases and find defects.
  • Tracking defects, confirmation testing, and closing the defects.
  • Documenting of the test reports and test enclosure activities.

  • Prerequisites and eligibility to learn Manual Testing:

  • Basic Knowledge of Computer operating.
  • Service and support applications
  • Documentation knowledge and analysis skills.
  • Beginners who want to start their career in the Software Testing field.
  • Already a tester, You can refresh all your testing basics and techniques and gear up for Certifications in Software Testing.
  • Fresh Graduates, If you have passed out of college recently, and looking for a job in QA/Testing field.
  • If you are interested in IT, but not interested in programming or find it difficult, then Testing allows you to focus less on programming and more on analysis skills.
  • Non-IT Professionals, If you are currently working in some other field, but interested in building a career in IT
  • Under Standing & Analyzing Test Requirements.
  • Creating RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrics) Document
  • Test Plan Documentation
  • Test Case Development & Test Data Collection
  • Updating Requirement Traceability Matrices
  • Test Environment Setup & Smoke Testing
  • Execute Basic Functionality Test Cases (Sanity Testing)
  • Execute All Possible Test Cases (Comprehensive Testing)
  • Defect Reporting & Tracking.
  • Accepting Modified Build by Conducting sanityTesting
  • Execute Re and Regression Test cases Cycle-1
  • Defect Reporting & Tracking.
  • Accepting Modified Build by Conducting sanityTesting
  • Execute Re and Regression Test cases Cycle-2
  • Defect Reporting & Tracking.
  • Final Regression.
  • Evaluate Exit Criteria and Send Test Deliverables.
  • Software Test Summary Report & Test Closure.
Software Development Life Cycle and various SDLC Models
Test case design techniques
Levels and types of software testing, life cycle and Software test documents
QTP UFT Training Course Highlights
  • Free demo class
  • Guaranteed placement assistance
  • Project oriented training
  • Case studies
  • Live interactive sessions
  • Expert QTP UFT trainers with 10+ years of skill & experience
  • Online training
  • Certification course
  • Free course material
Automation – UFT (Unified Functional Testing)
Introduction to Automation
  • What is Automation Testing
  • Benefits of Automation Testing
  • Manual Testing Vs Automation Testing
  • Various Automation Test Tools
  • Tool selection criteria
Automation Life Cycle
  • Overview of UFT
  • Starting UFT
  • UFT License
  • UFT Window Layout

  • Different ways of Developing Automation Tests

  • Recording a test
  • Standard Recording
  • Analog Recording
  • Low Level Recording
  • Writing Script
  • Descriptive Programming
Working with Test Objects and Object Repositories
  • How UFT learns & identifies Objects
  • Working with Test Objects
  • Object Spy
  • Configuring Object Identification
  • Smart Identification
  • Merging Shared Object Repositories
  • Comparing shared objects Repositories
  • Associating shared objects Repositories to a Test
  • Working with Test objects methods & Properties
VB Script Language Overview
  • VB Script Data Types
  • VB Script Variables
  • VB Script Constants
  • Conditional Statements
How to use Xpath in UFT
  • object identification using using Xpath
  • Xpath Example to identify web objects
User Defined Functions
  • Creating User Defined Functions
  • Advantages of Using Functions
  • Creating Generic Functions
  • Creating Function Libraries
  • Associating Function Libraries
  • Preparing Regression Test Automation Suites
  • Function Decomposition Implementation
Advanced VB Scripting
  • Working with Internet Explorer Application
  • Working with File system Objects
  • Working with Data Base Connection
  • Working with Record Set Object
  • Working with COM Object
  • Working with Word Application Object
  • Error handling with Err Object
  • Working with Dictionary Object
  • Working with XML Util Object
  • Working with QC Util Object
  • Working with DOM Object
  • WSH Scripting Basics
  • Working with Shell
  • Need of Synchronization
  • Different ways of Synchronizing the Tests
  • Configuring Default Synchronization Time Out
  • Exist Statement
  • Wait Statement
  • Synchronizing Point
Checkpoints & Output Values Transactions
  • Purpose
  • Inserting Start and End Transactions
  • Analysing Transaction Results
Working with Actions
  • Introduction to Actions
  • Benefits of Actions
  • Creating Tests with Multiple Actions
  • Guidelines for working with Actions
  • Creating new Actions
  • Insert Actions
  • Inserting Copy of Actions
  • Inserting Existing Actions
  • Splitting Actions
  • Action Parameters
  • Test Modularity Implementation
  • Creating an Action Template
  • Difference Between Reusable Actions and Functions
Developing Data Driven Tests
  • Introduction to Parameterize Tests
  • Parameterize a Test Manually
  • Parameterize a Test using Data table
  • Parameterization through XML Files, Excel Files, Flat Files
  • Parameterize a Test using Environment Variables
  • Data Driven Test
  • Create Data Driven Tests
  • Local and Global Data Tables
Regular Expressions
  • Introduction to Regular Expressions
  • Defining Regular Expressions
  • Working with RegExp Object
Recovery Scenarios
  • Introduction to Recovery Scenarios
  • When to use Recovery Scenarios
  • Defining Recovery Scenarios
  • Recovery Scenario Manager
  • Managing Recovery Scenarios
  • Associating Recovery Scenarios to your Test
Descriptive Programming
  • Introduction to Descriptive Programming
  • When to use Descriptive Programming
  • Descriptive Programming Approach
  • Static Representation
  • Dynamic Representation
  • Handling Dynamic Objects
  • Handling Similar Objects
Virtual Objects
  • Define Virtual Objects
  • Manage Virtual Objects
Working with Web Tables & AOM Scripts
  • Developing Start Up Scripts
  • Launching UFT
  • Setting Tool Options
  • Setting Test Options
  • Opening a Test
  • Running a Test
  • Store Results in Required Location
  • Closing a Test
  • Closing QTP
Scripting in Real-time Environment
  • UFT Coding Standards & Best Practices
  • Naming Conventions
  • Coding Rules
Automation Frameworks
  • Automation Approach
  • Planning and Design Frame Work
  • Implementation of
  • Modularity Framework
  • Hybrid Framework
Working with Quality Center/ALM (Application Life cycle Management)
  • Connecting to ALM
  • Disconnecting from ALM
  • Integrating UFT with ALM
  • Uploading Automation Resources in ALM
  • Saving Tests into ALM
  • Opening Tests from ALM
  • Executing Tests from ALM
Who Should Learn a QTP UFT Training Course?
  • Any graduates
  • Freshers
  • People with knowledge in Python and Java programming languages.
  • People who wanna pursue a career in automation engineering
  • Quality analysts
  • Manual testers
  • People who are looking to upskill their skillset can take up the course.
Skills you will gain from our QTP UFT training
  • Hands-on experience with automation testing tools.
  • Implement programs using descriptive programming.
  • Practical knowledge in Xpath in UFT.
  • Creating user-defined and generic functions.
  • Practical experience in working with Advanced VB Scripting.
  • Synchronize and configure tests.
  • Analyzing transactions.
Career opportunities after taking the course
  • QTP UFT Automation tester.
  • Automation QTP UFT engineer
  • Automation testing analyst
  • QTP UFT Tester
  • Test automation architect
  • QTP UFT Technical Lead
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